art, spirit, textiles, fibre, dreams, nature, love, life...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the sum of all of my very own choices...

This has been repeated to me over and over in the last week, .... 
firstly it was in a movie i was watching , then in a magazine article, then in a conversation with a friend today, even in an art blog i was just reading...
over and over its coming up..
so universe...OK, ... i see you, i acknowledge you.. i get it!

 "I AM the result of every single choice i have ever made...
right here... right now"...

 my life, my art, my job, my income, my body, my creativity, my diet, my children, my non existent love life, where i live...
 is all a result of every... single.... small.... daily ....sometimes barely a thought..... choices i have made... not even the BIG ones... its the little ones along the way... every little one...

... i am now  going to make good positive choices, and put more thought into the little choices i have...
  i am grateful for having those choices in the first place... 

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